Why Politics?
Studying A-level Politics will provide insight into political beliefs central to an understanding of the modern world. It also develops analytical and evaluative skills in relation to interesting topics prevalent in the turbulent political climate of today.
Studying this subject will develop your understanding of structures of authority and power, how political systems differ, and enable you to interpret, evaluate and comment on the nature of politics and government. You will also develop a range of transferrable analytical, debating and communication skills – all valuable in a wide range of careers.
What can I expect?
Two experienced teachers ready to enthuse and engage you in developing a deep understanding of political systems, concepts and controversies. Lessons will focus on current events to explore debates about power and democracy.
The course covers an array of topics; from exploring the working of the UK Parliament and US Congress, to the power concentrated in the UK Prime Minister and US president. We explore elections, voting behaviour and pressure group activity and protest. You end the course exploring four key political ideologies and the key strands and thinkers within them.
Which Stem Pathways can I follow?
What enrichment opportunities will be offered?
In previous years a variety of speakers have visited the school; from those within the Houses of Parliament, to political activists attempting to pressure and influence from the outside.
We will also take a trip to Parliament to meet with our local MP.
Three exams, each two hours, all sat at the end of the course.
Each exam follows the same format with three 9 mark questions, a 25 mark question based on an extract, and one 25 mark essay from the choice of two.
Students need 5 Grade 6s.
The course also provides foundation of political knowledge on which to develop skills for citizenship and university study. Example degree courses which generally require or prefer Politics A-level include Politics, Economics, Journalism, Law, International Relations, History and Social Policy.
An A-level in Government and Politics provides an excellent background for careers in law, journalism, the caring professions, teaching, and a range of management and business areas.