
Exam Board: AQA

Why study this subject? 

Studying Biology will allow you to make more informed decisions about your own health and biological issues such as genetically modified crops, use of antibiotics, or ecological conservation.  It instils a curiosity and promotes innate questions about living phenomena.  You will observe, analyse and question, living phenomena from the microbial, plant and the animal world.  Within Biology you develop your practical dexterity through experimentation and critical thinking and apply mathematical skills so you can analyse and interpret scientific data. 

What will a lesson look like?

A typical biology lesson will require you to recall knowledge from the previous lesson, followed by the learning of new knowledge and making notes on that theory. Drawing diagrams is an important part of studying biology and there is a bit more writing in biology than the other two sciences. 
Biology involves the study of living organisms, from single-celled organisms to multiple-celled plants, animals and humans. There are a lot of interesting facts to learn.
Carrying out experiments and observing practicals is a big part of applying the knowledge you will learn in lessons and you will be tested on that knowledge using exam questions.
You will often be asked to describe, explain and evaluate the evidence from experiments and draw your own conclusions too.

What does homework look like in this subject?

Once a week a 30-minute task will be set where you will make a choice from three differentiated activities covering the wide range of skills required to succeed such as graph skills, calculations, comprehension alongside knowledge and understanding. Prior to testing, which occurs every three weeks, there will exam questions and revision knowledge learning mat to complete for homework.


GCSE Biology is assessed on a 100% Written Examination in two 1hr and 45 min written papers worth 50% each.

Paper 1 (1 hr 45 mins):

1.      Cell Biology

2.      Organisation

3.      Infection and response

4.      Bioenergetics

Plus the relevant required practicals

Paper 2 (1 hr 45 mins):

5.      Homeostasis and response

6.      Variation, inheritance and evolution

7.      Ecology

Plus the relevant required practicals.

Where can it lead?