Year 12 Applications for September 2025

Use the form below to apply for a place at NUAST for a September 2025 start.

You do not have to complete this form in one sitting. Provided you use the same browser and device, your responses will be automatically saved until you submit the form.

This form is used to collect information regarding your application to NUAST and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Student's Details

You will receive a confirmation e-mail at this address.

Parent/Carer's Details

Only if different from student.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail at this address.

GCSE Courses & Results
Provisional Sixth Form Courses

Start by choosing a pathway, either A Levels, T Level Engineering and Manufacturing or BTEC Engineering.

If you choose the A Level pathway, then you should then choose 3 different A Level courses and a reserve choice.

Student who choose one of the Engineering pathways occasionally choose to study a complementary A level option which you may choose below if desired.

You may also like to complete either an EPQ or study Level 3 Core Maths in Year 12; if so, please indicate below.

Personal Statement
This is your opportunity to tell us a little more about yourself.

I certify that the information given on this form is correct. I understand that a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application could result in any offer of a place being withdrawn.

I have checked that all those with parental responsibility are in agreement with this application.

We undertake random checks and home visits to verify that addresses provided by parents/carers are genuine. If we receive an application where the address is fraudulent, any offer of a place based on that address will be withdrawn. Such an application could also constitute an offence which may result in legal proceedings being commenced against the person providing the false statement.