Absence and Contact Details

Absences - A Guide for Parents

What do I do if....

I know in advance that my child will be away from school, for example for a doctors appointment?
Please let us know in advance through a note or an email to the academy attendance officer.

I wish to take my child away on holiday during term time?
The academy discourages students from taking any holidays during term time. Parents receive written reminders in September and January. In the event of a request for holiday leave, a form can be completed and given to the students mentor. This has to be agreed by the Head Teacher, who has sole discretion in the matter.

My son/daughter is away from school and no prior notice has been given?
Please telephone the office on 0115 8592040 before 8.15am to confirm the absence or email our attendance officer on anarendrakumar@nuast.org. If no call or email is received the academy will contact home during the morning of the first days absence.

Please help us to minimise this administrative work by explaining absence on the first morning of the first day, or if you know of a future absence then please advise your child's mentor either by a letter or by email.

Contact Details and Medical Information

Parents can help ensure that the school has accurate contact details by informing the school if there are any changes to phone numbers etc. during the year. You can request both Contact Information Sheets or Medical Update Forms from the academy office.

Educational Visit Documentation

Please complete form EV4 each time your child goes on a visit organised by the school.

An EV4 form will be provided by the member of staff organising the visit.

April 2025


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