Pupil Reports

An introduction to NUAST reporting and parents’ evenings

NUAST students will receive three reports each academic year. Each term students will be given information on their performance at progress check points. These are clearly communicated to students.

We have settling in evenings at the start of the academic year for Year 7 and Year 12. In addition there will be a parents' evening for each year group during the course of the year.

Assessement Point Reports

The NUAST progress check reports will contain the following information:

Attitude to Learning (ATL) grades are received for each subject they study at NUAST. An ATL grade is recorded every half term for each subject. Staff will take the following into consideration before entering a final ATL grade; willingness to learn, resilience, self-motivation, determination and their ability to reflect upon their academic performance. Further explanation and detail regarding these areas can be found within the Student and Parent Portal on NUAST’s website. Staff will select a grade between 1 (excellent) and 4 (unsatisfactory) for each student. Students ATL grades are averaged to give each student a half termly ATL grade. NUAST set an ATL target of 1.8 for each half term. Heads of Year and tutors will review ATL grades to direct support, intervention and positive recognition as required.

A working at level will be reported to parents at KS3. This will show either an expected level of achievement, above expected or below expected. Predicted Grades are reported. These show what grade you are likely to reach at the end of the year 11 for a Key Stage 4 report and at AS and A2 for sixth form study.

Parents’ evenings

Each year group will have a parents’ evening during the course of an academic year. Appointments are made via ParentMail and parents/carers are notified in advance of the evenings.

There is no parking for parents/carers on site therefore we advise that you park at the Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) or use public transport.

March 2025


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