Term Dates

2023-24 Calendar

The tables below show the term dates and staff-training (INSET) days for the current academic year (2023-2024).

For dates of important school events over the year, see the Calendar.

Term Dates 2023-24

Academy closes afternoon of: Academy re-opens on:
Autumn Monday 4 September 2023 (all students)
INSET Day Thursday 5 October 2023 Monday 9 October 2023
Half Term Friday 27 October 2023 Monday 6 November 2023
Christmas Friday 15 December 2023 Monday 8 January 2024
Half Term Friday 9 February 2024 Monday 19 February 2023
Easter Thursday 28 March 2024 Monday 15 April 2024
Early May Bank Holiday Friday 3 May 2024 Tuesday 7 May 2024
Half Term Friday 24 May 2024 Monday 3 June 2024
Summer Wednesday 24 July 2024

INSET Days 2023-24

Wednesday 30 August 2023
Thursday 31 August 2023
Friday 1 September 2023
Friday 6 October 2023
Thursday 25 July 2024

July 2024


View the calendar in full

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