Welcome to Music

Welcome to Music at NUAST!

Name of the school music lead:

Mr Carl Atkin (Deputy Headteacher) - CAtkin@nuast.org

Curriculum music

NUAST is a Science and Technology Specialist Academy. Whilst this is the case, we ensure that we offer the full range of National Curriculum subjects for Key Stage 3 students - Music is an important part this and very much complements our specialism.

In implementing our 3 year plan, our vision for the Music curriculum is to develop students’ passion for music through listening, composing and performing. Students will develop their cultural understanding of musical conventions from across the world and will explore these through the use of instruments and voice. They will have the opportunity to discover and develop their own musical preferences as well as to appreciate the musical preferences of others. At NUAST, we believe that music provides students with many transferable skills including confidence, inclusivity, creativity, collaboration, resilience, and a strong sense of identity within the world around them.

At KS3 our Music provision is delivered through a highly experienced and qualified subject specialist with curriculum time increasing year on year. Curriculum provision for all is also complimented by the extensive opportunity to access instrumental lessons on strings and keyboard, with an increasing number taking part. Pupil premium funding is also being used to support access to this opportunity for disadvantaged and SEN students in years 8 and 9.

Students will have opportunity to perform, listen to and compose music. They will develop instrumental skills on the keyboard and on a range of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, whilst experiencing a wide range of genres and music from around the world. Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of key concepts including, melody, tonality and harmony, composition, rhythm and pulse, technology and sequencing. This will be covered through topics on Blues, African Music, TV and Film Music, and Reggae.

During the academic year we are committed to developing our Music provision further so that it provides opportunities for students to experience using Digital Audio Workstation industry standard software, whilst making strong connections with music and media industry experts, including enriching visits to Confetti Studios.experts in Nottingham city.

Year 7 2024-25


Autumn 1:

Harry Potter

Melody, Tonality and Harmony - Listen to, review and evaluate

Autumn 2:


Composing - Create and compose music

Spring 1:

African music

Rhythm, Pulse and Tempo - Understand and explore

Spring 2:

Loops MT

Technology and Sequencing - Create and compose, understand and explore

Summer 1:

T.V. Themes

Melody, Tonality and Harmony - Understand and explore, perform and review

Summer 2:

Band skills

Performing - Perform and review, create and compose

Co-curricular music:

At NUAST we have established instrumental lessons for students in order to compliment the current core curriculum, providing passionate musicians with the chance to play throughout their whole school journey. We offer this in partnership with the City Music Hub and currently students can learn the following through this provision:


During 24/25 we are committed to providing students who are in receipt of pupil premium funding may also be eligible for subsidised instrumental lesson tuition. Further information on how parents and carers can access instrumental lessons at NUAST for their child can be found here - https://www.nottinghammusichub.org.uk/schools/Lessons-in-school-Direct-Parent-Billing

At NUAST ever increasing programme of performance opportunities are identified, including during celebration events and assemblies. This is planned to be widened to include more instrumentalists and ensembles where students can make music together. Additionally, NUAST is part of the Nova Trust Orchestra, where individual instrumentalists can come together with other students from across the Nova Education Trust to be part of high-profile public performances and events.

Musical experiences:

This is a significant growth area for students at NUAST. Students will have the opportunity to be part of the Nova Trust Orchestra and attend rehearsals and performances at least 3 times per year.

Additionally, we are introducing an expectation that musical performances will be part of all celebration assemblies which occur every half term (6 performance opportunities per year).

Throughout 24/25 we will be rapidly building our connections with local venues and institutions so that students will have access to a number of live performances and industry experts, including Confetti Studios (https://confetti.ac.uk/locations/nottingham/) and The Theatre Royal/Royal Concert Hall Nottingham (https://trch.co.uk/whats-on/)

We are also broadening our provision by offering more instruments to be learned and by using external professionals and groups to assist with ensemble and choir workshops and performances. Additionally, we are planning to involve the entire Year 7 cohort in a Young Voices Choir Performance at the Utilita Arena, Sheffield on the 10th January 2025.

The plan for 24/25:

Autumn 2024

Re-purpose space near to the main music room as a practice room for instrumentalists.

Work with Nova schools to develop a strategy which will increase music teaching capacity.

Increase the number of instrumentalists involved in the Nova Trust Orchestra.

Resource the music department to be able to deliver specialist areas associated with Music Technology and iMedia.

Ensure at least one live performance experience for Year 7 students.

Ensure at least two performance opportunities for instrumentalists across all key stages.

Expand music instrumental teaching so that Year 7 students are able to continue the instrumental teaching they received in their primary schools.

Instigate ensemble opportunities with the support of colleagues from the Nottingham City Music hub.

Spring/Summer 2025

Develop links with the Theatre Royal/Concert Hall in Nottingham as well as Confetti Studios to ensure students receive valuable and relevant musical experiences.

Review the curriculum offer for KS3 so that it continues to evolve and meet cohort needs for the future, including preparation for a Music Technology course at KS4.

Further information:

Our Music Hub for Nottingham City has further information on the services they provide and can be found here – https://www.nottinghammusichub.org.uk

The Department for Education has also published a guide for parents and young people on how they can get involved in music in and out of school, and where they can go to for support beyond the school.

October 2024


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