A Level History

At NUAST we follow the AQA new specification A level course. This involves students studying 200 years of History over two topics and completing a Personal Study for coursework.

Topic 1: HIS1C- The Tudors 1485-1603

Henry VII-

  • Taking and consolidating power, dealing with opposition, the Pretenders, dealing with the Nobles
  • Management- finance, bonds and fines, government, parliament and religion
  • Foreign policy, War, exploration and Trade

Henry VIII 1509-1547-

  • 1509-1525- The role of Cardinal Wolsey, Justice, social policy, wars with France, relations with the Holy Roman Empire
  • 1525-1533- Henry's great matter- the Divorce and Wolsey's attempts to secure it; the fall of Wolsey, Amicable Grant Rebellion
  • 1534-41- Cromwell's government, the Reformation and the oath of supremacy, destruction of the Monasteries, moves to Protestantism, Henry's religious terror, Cromwell's revolution in Government, threats from abroad, Fall of Anne Boleyn and the fall of Cromwell
  • 1541-47- Henry's last years- moves back towards Catholicism, more wars with France, financial mismanagement, Henry's will.

Year 13

Edward VI 1547-1552

  • The Protectorate of Edward Seymour, government as a dictatorship, gradual shift to Protestantism, wars with France and Scotland, Fall of Seymour
  • Protectorate of Northumberland- England's humiliation in France, financial crisis, conversion to full Protestantism, Edward's illness and death, his devise.

Mary I 1552-1558-

  • Her rebellion to take power, Marriage to Phillip of Spain, the Wyatt Rebellion
  • End of Protestantism and return to Catholic rule, the Heresy laws and the burning of Protestants
  • War with France, exploration of Russia, loss of Calais, Mary's death

Elizabeth I 1558-1603

  • Religion- Elizabeth's protestant religious changes and her settlement with the Catholics, fights against her own Bishops. Catholic plots to assassinate Elizabeth and invade England, the threat from extremist Protestants
  • Government- Elizabeth's ministers, her favorites and ruling through faction. Relationship with parliament and her role in key decisions. Elizabeth's decision not to marry
  • Foreign Policy- wars in Scotland, France. Intervention in the Netherlands, the long war with Spain. Defeat of the Spanish Armada and the English Armada, Piracy and exploration of the new world
  • Society- Tudor culture, art, theater. Rich and poor

Topic 2: HIS2O- Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-45

The Early years of Crisis 1918-23

  • How the Weimar Republic was created, early threats from Spartacists and Freikorps, the roles of the SPD, ZP, DNVP and other parties, the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Wirth's fulfillment policy and Cuno's passive resistance, the invasion of the Ruhr and Hyperinflation
  • The early Nazi party, the 25 point programme, the Munich Putsch

The Golden Age 1924-29

  • Golden age Economy- to what extend was Germany stable? The Dawes plan and Young plan
  • Golden age politics- different parties and coalitions, the weaknesses in Weimar democracy, growth of the Nazis
  • Weimar culture- films, art, literature, music - who enjoyed it and who hated it
  • Weimar foreign policy- Locarno pact, Rapallo treaty with USSR, The league of Nations and attempts to scrap Versailles

Collapse of the old republic 1929-33

  • The Wall street Crash and Great Depression
  • The reaction of Bruning's government and rule through Article 48
  • Who supported the Nazis and how they became the most popular party
  • The role of the Communists
  • Papen, Schelicher and the backstairs intrigue
  • The Reichstag fire and Enabling Act

Year 13

Gleischaltung- the Nazi State

  • The Night of the Long knives and removal of opposition
  • Coordination of all state organisations
  • The terror, the SS and the SD
  • Propaganda
  • Women in the Nazi state
  • Education and the Hitler Youth
  • The attacks on the churches and the Nazi Faith movement
  • Nazi economics and the workers

the Racial State

  • Nazi racial theory
  • Policies against the disabled and minorities
  • The early policies against Jews including the boycott
  • Legal discrimination against the Jews and the Nuremburg laws
  • Deportation, Anschluss and Kristallnacht
  • Radicalisation- the einsatzgruppen and the camps

Nazi Germany in world war ii

  • The war time economy and rationing
  • German morale
  • Wartime opposition and plots to kill Hitler
  • Speer and the attempt to keep wartime production
  • The holocaust

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