Welcome to Learning Support

Statutory Information

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Welcome to Leaning Support

A part of the Inclusion Team. Learning support, often known as SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Team is there to provide additional support for students who have a barrier to their learning.

SEND support at NUAST

At NUAST we try to provide all our students with quality first teaching. Many students in schools and academies though may need extra support from time to time because of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or because they are simply struggling with a topic or a challenging transition. For these students a range of support is offered, many will find they have extra support in lessons from teaching assistants and support staff. They may be provided with additional resources, a laptop to help them write in exams or a coloured overlay to help them read blocks of text.

Some students need more tailored support and will be offered small group or one to one intervention on top of what their subject may put in place for them. These interventions are to help improve a student’s reading age or their comprehension and processing skills. In addition there are students who may be finding things challenging emotionally or socially and we will work with them to identify their concerns an help put them in touch with wider agencies where necessary to ensure they get the support they need to do well.

Ultimately it is the goal of NUAST to ensure that every student has access to great education, we realise that no two children are the same and try and tailor the level of support to the needs of the individual student when they need it, so they can thrive when they don’t. Our SEND team is always happy to hear from students and parents, we believe that by working together to identify and address their needs we get the best results for all.

How we identify and assess students with SEND

The wellbeing and academic achievement of our students is a key priority at NUAST. To ensure every student we teach gets all the support they need we will regularly review their progress. If we have concerns that a student is not progressing in line with their ability we will undertake the following process:

  • Any students who are falling significantly outside of the range of expected academic achievement in line with predicted performance indicators and grade boundaries will be monitored.
  • Once a student has been identified as possibly having SEN they will be closely monitored by staff in order to gauge their level of learning and possible difficulties.
  • The SENCO will be consulted as needed for support and advice and may wish to observe the student in class. We will also consult with the student and family where appropriate as part of the person centered approach.
  • Once the child has been identified as having SEN the SENCO will determine which level of provision the child will need going forward in consultation with class teachers. This is particularly significant with the new Code of Practice’s drive for teachers to take a lead role.
  • If a student has recently been removed from the SEN list they may also fall into this category as continued monitoring will be necessary. This is observed additional need.
  • The child is formally recorded by the school as being under observation due to concern by parent or teacher but this does not place the child on the school’s SEN list.
  • It is important to note that a formalised diagnosis or disability is not the same as a learning need or SEN, we aim to help develop student's independence and help them reach a point where they can overcome their barriers and thrive. SEND status should never be static and a students provision is regularly reviewed to ensure they receive the right level of support to allow them to manage their learning independantly.

Student progress meetings are used to monitor and assess the progress being made by the child. The frequency of these meetings is dependent on the individual child’s needs and progress being made

Secondly, NUAST has access to networks specializing in SEND through the Nova Education Trust and the Nottingham City Local Authority. This enables our team to signpost families as well as embeds the latest best practice.

NUAST believes strongly in a person centered plan for those students who require additional support. Effective monitoring of students in classrooms and discussions with teachers, enable our staff to plan meetings with parents/carers on a regular basis.

What happens if my child is placed on the SEN register?

Where it is determined that a student does have SEN, parents will be informed of this and the student will be added to the SEN register. The aim of formally identifying a student with SEN is to help school ensure that effective provision is put in place and so remove barriers to learning. The support provided consists of a four – part process:

  • Assess
  • Plan
  • Do
  • Review

This is an on-going cycle to enable the provision to be refined and revised as the understanding of the needs of the student grows. This cycle enables the identification of those interventions which are the most effective in supporting the student to achieve good progress and outcomes.


This involves clearly analysing the student’s needs using the subject teacher’s assessment and experience of working with the student, details of previous progress and attainment, comparisons with peers and national data, as well as the views and experience of parents. The student’s views and where relevant, advice from external support services will also be considered. Any parental concerns will be noted and compared with the school’s information and assessment data on how the student is progressing.

This analysis will require regular review to ensure that support and intervention is matched to need, that barriers to learning are clearly identified and being overcome and that the interventions being used are developing and evolving as required. Where external support staff are already involved their work will help inform the assessment of need. Where they are not involved they may be contacted, if this is felt to be appropriate, following discussion and agreement from parents.


Planning will involve consultation between the teacher, SENCO and parents to agree the adjustments, interventions and support that are required; the impact on progress, development and or behaviour that is expected and a clear date for review. Parental involvement may be sought, where appropriate, to reinforce or contribute to progress at home.

All those working with the student, including support staff will be informed of their individual needs, the support that is being provided, any particular teaching strategies/approaches that are being employed and the outcomes that are being sought.


The class teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a day-to-day basis. They will retain responsibility even where the interventions may involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the subject teacher. They will work closely with Learning Support Assistants and /or relevant specialist staff to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions and links with classroom teaching. Support with further assessment of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, problem solving and advising of the implementation of effective support will be provided by the SENCO.


Reviews will be undertaken in line with agreed dates. The review process will evaluate the impact and quality of the support and interventions. It will also take account of the views of the student and their parents. The subject teacher, in conjunction with the SENCO will revise the support and outcomes based on the student’s progress and development making any necessary amendments going forward, in consultation with parents and the student.

Parents will be provided with clear information about the impact of support to enable them to be involved in planning the next steps.

Referral for an Education, Health Care Plan

If a child has a lifelong or significant difficulties that may undergo a Statutory Assessment Process which is usually requested by the school but can be requested by a parent. This will occur where the complexity of need or a lack of clarity around the needs of the child are such that a multi-agency approach to assessing that need, to planning provision and identifying resources, is required.

The decision to make a referral for a statement will be taken at a progress review.

The application for an Education, Health Care Plan will combine information from a variety of sources including:

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Social Care
  • Health professionals

Information will be gathered relating to the current provision provided, action points that have been taken, and the preliminary outcomes of targets set. A decision will be made by a group of people from education, health and social care about whether or not the child is eligible for an EHC Plan. Parents have the right to appeal against a decision not to initiate a statutory assessment leading to an EHC Plan.

Local Offer

For more information on support that can provided by the local authority please follow the link below for Nottingham City, and or (if you live in County) Nottinghamshire County.

Special Education Needs & Disabilities Local Offer | Ask Lion - Nottingham City Directory


Parental Complaint Procedure

If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the care or welfare of their child, they to speak to the SENCO or SLT who will be able to advise on formal procedures for complaint. All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the academy’s complaints procedure.

Contact details of support services

  • Parent Partnership: 0115 9482888
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service): 0115 960866

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February 2025


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