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Where do all the Great Mathematicians go?

NUAST attracts a large number of highly talented mathematicians to it’s sixth form and each year well over half of our sixth form students study A level mathematics. 2023 was no different with 86 students sitting the exam in maths and about a fifth of these also taking the Further Mathematics A level.

Students’ ambitions beyond school are widely varied and many have now headed off to University with degree studies including Economics, Finance, Physics, Mechanical engineering, medicine, dentistry, Computer Science, Chemical engineering and Mathematics. It is always a joy to hear back from our former students as they follow their dreams. The mathematics they have learnt with us sets the foundation for significant mathematical content in all of the degree courses described above. We feel privileged to play our part in securing the future of our great mathematicians in their future pathways.

Best Wishes to our undergraduate NUAST 2023 student leavers.

February 2025


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