Title of Course: OCR GCSE Physical Education

Type of Qualification

Why study this subject?

Studying GCSE PE equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to further improve their own performance in sport. The students will develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being. The practical side of the course allows students to explore a range of activities in the role of a performer, including both team and individual activities. Learners will also analyse and evaluate performance in a chosen activity as part of their practical work.

What can this qualification lead to after Year 11?

This course will prepare learners for the further study of PE or sports science courses as well as other related subject areas such as psychology, sociology and biology. Learners will also develop the transferable skills that are in demand by further education, Higher Education and employers in all sectors of industry.

What does a GCSE PE lesson look like?

The GCSE PE lessons will involve a mixture of theory and practical delivery. When you are in a theory lesson you will learn about a range of topics including applied anatomy and physiology. This lesson would start with learning the major muscle groups, you will then look at how muscles work, following the learning of the core knowledge you will be set an exam based question which allows you to apply the knowledge in a sporting situation.

A GCSE PE practical lesson will start with learning a new skill, for example in badminton you may learn how to do a smash shot. You will then practice this smash shot in a conditioned situation, this will then lead into a game situation where you will have to demonstrate the shot with control and precision to gain the top marks.

How will I be assessed?

GCSE PE is assessed through two written papers, a practical performance component as well as an analysis and evaluation of performance.

Paper 1: Physical factors affecting performance: This component will assess:

• 1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology

• 1.2 Physical training

Written paper 1: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks This paper consists of a mixture of objective response and multiple-choice questions, short answers and extended response items.

Paper 2: Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology: This component will assess:

• 2.1 Socio-cultural influences

• 2.2 Sports psychology

• 2.3 Health, fitness and well-being.

Written paper: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks This paper consists of a mixture of objective response and multiple-choice questions, short answers and extended response items.

3) Practical Performances: This component will assess:

• Core and advanced skills in three activities taken from the approved lists:

one from the ‘individual’ list

one from the ‘team’ list

one other from either list.

4) Analysis and Evaluation of Performance:

This component draws upon the knowledge, understanding and skills a student has learnt and enables them to analyse and evaluate their own or a peer’s performance in one activity.

What does a GCSE PE lesson look like?

The GCSE PE lessons will involve a mixture of theory and practical delivery. When you are in a theory lesson you will learn about a range of topics including applied anatomy and physiology. This lesson would start with learning the major muscle groups, you will then look at how muscles work, following the learning of the core knowledge you will be set an exam based question which allows you to apply the knowledge in a sporting situation.

A GCSE PE practical lesson will start with learning a new skill, for example in badminton you may learn how to do a smash shot. You will then practice this smash shot in a conditioned situation, this will then lead into a game situation where you will have to demonstrate the shot with control and precision to gain the top marks.

What does Homework look like in this subject?

Once a week a 30 minute piece of homework will be set, this will be linked to either a task looking at developing knowledge in sport and sports performance or an exam style question.



Past Papers:
Paper 1 example:


Paper 2 example:


January 2025


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